Friday, December 25, 2015

Scarves, scarves, scarves!

Eight scarves and two hats have been donated during the past days, some from as far as the East Coast. We are looking forward to the final count.

Thank you crafters!

Some casual knitting happened last night over egg nog and bȗche de noël.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Made with love

These beautiful creations have come in within the last two days..lovely.

While dropping off yarn to a neighbor, she gave me a quote by Johana Macy "A drop in the bucket is magnificent." We keep these words in mind as we knit away. Three scarves down, three on needles, and four more to go before reaching our household goal of ten.

We have a donation deadline now of January 17, 2016. A colleague of mine teaching at the American University in Iraq, Suleimania (did you know there is an American university in Iraq?) will be taking all of the donations over to the camp (located near Suleimania) soon after this date.

Again, deepest thanks for the time, effort, and skill. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Spotlight: November Knitting

This was our calendar image for the month of November and it really made me think about myths: how they pertain to knitting and to refugees. How they are propagated and destroyed. Food for thought.

Marina donated these cozy gloves. They will certainly help to make someone warmer.

We have had a total of three knitting circle with middle school girls. They have been fantastic--great turnouts (up to 12 beginning and advanced knitters), interesting conversation (religious intolerance seems to be a favorite topic), and LOTS of yarn. THANKS to all who have donated their time and supplies!

Knitting happened around eating this month. Here are some friends, new and old, from Berkeley, Los Altos, Palo Alto and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thanks Daniel and Marielle for including Rows for Refugees are part of your annual tradition.